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How to Support
Radnor Golf Foundation


Giving Back

When the time comes and you wish to help grow our Restricted Fund, be assured that 100% of your donation will go directly to the fund.

Your donation is tax deductible and you shall receive a donors letter for your year-end return.  Each year that your donation is invested in the market you will be a part of the following years sponsorships, scholarship and giving thereby creating a lasting, sustainable contribution to growing the game of golf


Paying it Forward

We all know golfers that could use a little help in pursuit of their goals.  For 2024 we have 2 initiatives to help "pay it forward"


1) Sponsor an assistant Golf professional in the 2024 Philadelphia Section Assistants Championship. Value $254. 


2) Sponsor a Philadelphia Junior Tour Membership to a deserving young golfer. Value $181

Should you choose 1 or 2, click on the donate now button and enter the value amount and let us know who you choose to sponsor.  All donations are tax deductible.

The hidden value in sponsoring those competing is not in the results, but in their meeting of other
golfers, showing integrity through the ups and downs.  The way in which they conduct themselves
will open doors and make new friends in ways you never imagined - all thanks to GOLF.


You can easily donate to Radnor Golf Foundation online. Click here to make a secure donation now.

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Radnor Golf Foundation 

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