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100% Guarantee

Golf Course

Investing Strategy


Radnor Golf Foundation is a Non-Profit under IRS section 501 (C)3.  A restricted fund has been created with an initial investment of $150000 by the founder.  This fund will act as an endowment which will be used in promoting future professional, junior and amateur golf.  The fund will be managed by  longtime Philadelphia PGA section partner, Haverford Trust and each year the growth or profit will sponsor, endorse or fund golf events.


The investment strategy will be a conservative growth strategy focused on steady earnings and capital preservation.

As like-minded golf enthusiasts we always ask the question as to what can my donation do or where will my $100 be well spent or my $1500 be properly used.  These amounts don’t seem like very much but if we put them all together and allow the fund to grow, there will be profits to use and give back for a long time. 

At RGF we promise that 100% of donations will go to the restricted fund.  They will not be used to run the foundation, pay directors, expenses etc. Knowing this we ask you to help spread the word and realize future donations.  Golf professionals can easily donate the value one lesson a year or 10% of a tournaments winnings or put us in touch with donors who want to help us promote golf. 


We hope that you will join us in sharing our story with anyone that may be interested in growing this wonderful game

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Radnor Golf Foundation 

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